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Showing posts from April, 2018
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis".  - Margaret Bonnano Inspired Ideas for Your Success & Happiness! - No. 205 Live "happily ever after" on a day-to-day basis "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis".  - Margaret Bonnano Happily ever after might seem like a fairy tale wish, but you can actually create everlasting happiness. Yes, even when things go wrong, you can choose to be happy! How is this possible? You can create “happily ever after” because happiness is not dependent on your circumstances. It’s something you choose to be. No matter what’s going on around you, you can choose to be happy.  It’s not always easy but it’s a great habit to cultivate! Happiness is the basis for career success, great relationships, better health, satisfaction with life and your ability to cope with adversity. It’s strange that even when things are going reasonably well, peopl
Being a nice person is going to get you a lot further in life than being an asshole. Let me tell you this, 9 out of 10 top tier entrepreneurs you’ll meet are the nicest people around. Where you’re going to run into jerks is right below the high level guys. Mid-level people. Everybody says,  "Oh, people at the top are fake.” Trust me, they’re going to be some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. To succeed, you have to be likable, and being aggressive and rude is very dangerous. Here’s why: If you’re an asshole, you’re gonna attract like minded people.  It’s a downward spiral. If you're an asshole to people, all the good people around you leave. You're left with assholes, who then do bad things to you and then you become more of an asshole. Part of the reason why so many successful people are nice to everyone is because they’ve already made it. They really don’t care about beating others. They’re only concerned with what they’re doing, and too busy to listen to ot
Are you sad, lonely, or depressed? It seems normal that life automatically comes with these feelings. So, I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is the tremendous pain you feel is literally caused by regions of your brain that are pumping pain alerting chemicals throughout your body. The good news is that at some level that pain can serve a purpose. What caused you the sadness? It's usually an outcome of some decision you made. You should've gone left when you went right. Then a whole set of events unfolded that you now don't like. Maybe you break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, you get divorce, you trust the wrong person, you choose a career that you realize later you hate. You procrastinate and miss a big chance, the person you love stops loving you back, your mom or dad gets cancer. Something tragic happens. Look, I'm not a psychologist, I don't know the cure for depression, sadness or regret, but I do know that you and I have to become bigger than ou
If you don't have common sense, you’re not gonna make it. We live in a world where people got college degrees and can't even get a job. That's sad. Do you know what will guarantee you work whether as an entrepreneur on your own, or working for somebody else in a great job? The ability to see the big picture, have common sense and take action. It's so important to be able to give people insight and not just be a robot. Guess how much money you're gonna make being a robot? Minimum wage. I’m not making fun of people who work in that environment, I'm just giving you the way the economy and life works. If you go back to any period of time, that has always been the norm. If you just take orders, there's not much of a future for you. You need to be someone who  makes decisions . I want to give you some tips that will get you a job without a degree: Common Sense First, understand common sense isn't common. A lot of us think,  “common sense is common.” No, comm
I couldn't believe that time has been running so fast, we already two daughters. We haven't enjoyed much together for a while, you seem to grow old too haha peace, and me too. I counted in just eight years of knowing each other we've been through a lot now and blessed by God with two makukulits. Still, I feel that I need to know more about you. I'm not that good in life and our circumstances taught me how to struggle how to live. I've learned that people will not care about you when you have nothing. That's why I pray to God to grant us more than what we have and yet it's not that easy. It's been eight years now I'm trying yo keep up. We've been struggling yet you still have the knowledge to be calm. At this rate I might not know what to do cause I'm not used to this often, I once encountered and don't want to come back again this kind of state. Good thing you're there to make me feel I don't have to worry, but I do feel you do
Do you ever cry for no reason, or cry but the situation has passed, I do. I don't know why I'm crying, maybe because my daughter is not listening to me or my second baby is crying all the time and I can't get to calm her down, or that my husband did not even buy a gift from outside while his away for one day. I don't know. I'm tired. I want to sleep early but I can't sleep. I need to sleep because by next week I'm going to start my  training for the German language. And going there I have to commure. So I have to be early. My life has been wonderful with my kids and my husband but I feel there's something more I want to do. I want to be rich to provide everything my family needs and wants. I want to break free of my doubts in my head. I want to feed my self with self-happiness. I want also financial freedom. I pray that God will grant me my prayers in Jesus Name. Because this is for my family and for me. Phone link
My biggest dream is to have a house 🏠 big one with 5 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and 2 garages and a balcony and a rooftop. I want it like USA type of house, with gardens. I pray that I will be able to do that in just 5 years... I want to be rich enough so that I can help my family, and hopefully help them to have income on their own also.  If someone sees this, I hope someone can help me make also an online income for free registration or something. Something I can do for my little spare time.  I don't have much to say for now. Thank you for reading my blog  Be happy.