"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis". - Margaret Bonnano
Inspired Ideas for Your Success & Happiness! - No. 205
Live "happily ever after" on a day-to-day basis
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis". - Margaret Bonnano
Happily ever after might seem like a fairy tale wish, but you can actually create everlasting happiness. Yes, even when things go wrong, you can choose to be happy!
How is this possible? You can create “happily ever after” because happiness is not dependent on your circumstances. It’s something you choose to be. No matter what’s going on around you, you can choose to be happy.
It’s not always easy but it’s a great habit to cultivate! Happiness is the basis for career success, great relationships, better health, satisfaction with life and your ability to cope with adversity.
It’s strange that even when things are going reasonably well, people are still unhappy. Many people have developed the habit of putting off happiness until some “perfect condition.” I think we’ve all been guilty of this at one time or another!
“I will be happy when (insert the thing/person/experience that is missing in your life)” - does that sound familiar?
Think back to when you really really wanted something (believing you would be happy when you got it), and when you finally got it, the happiness was fleeting?
Unfortunately the habit of always wanting happiness “when…”, means that you are in effect saying, “No matter how great things are right now I can’t be happy because that (thing/person/experience) is missing.” You become focused on what’s missing or wrong, and neglect to appreciate what’s great!
Do you see how it works? The truth is, when you choose to be happy, you get so much more out of life, and your happiness is not dependent on any external factor! Then, “happily ever after” can become your reality.
What are some ways to be happy “just because”... for no reason?
1. Do what you love. You have a talent or two (or more) so make sure that you take time every day to nurture it. It feels so great - and you might just end up making a brilliant living doing what you love!
2. Be grateful. Appreciate what you have and what’s wonderful in your life. Appreciate the small things. Appreciate the adversity. Appreciate the intangibles like your creativity, intelligence or traits. Appreciate everyone in your life, even those who hurt or irritate you because they are all here, necessarily as parts of your life’s tapestry. Be grateful for the lows because they only make the highs that much sweeter. Every day, take 5 minutes first thing in the morning and last thing at night, to give thanks for ALL OF IT.
3. Play. Whoever said that adults have to spend all of their lives working and toiling and struggling? Why do we have to give up enjoyment of life that is unstructured and spontaneous? We don’t! And - put a little play into your everyday chores. Dance around while you’re cleaning the house (why not?) and simplify your life so that you have more time for play (less stuff + less obligations = more play time!). Play with kids. Play with animals. Put a smile on your face and make life more of a game.
4. Meditate. Yes, meditation makes you happier! Your brain enters a much more relaxed state where thoughts don’t come in the usual worried torrent, and the parts of your brain that regulate positive moods are stimulated. The effects last throughout the day, not just during meditation - and, even better, the effects build on themselves and help you create a naturally higher “baseline” level of happiness.
The more you practice happiness, the more it will be natural to you. You’ll be the ray of sunshine in any dark room, you’ll be more resilient and able to cope with adversity, healthier, and your relationships will be better too. It’s a choice. Make it today.
Final thoughts: NOBODY and NOTHING should have the power over you, to make you feel a certain way. How you feel is your choice and yours alone. Practice having a response to life that leaves you feeling happier. Take back your power, and live happily ever after!
To a simpler more fulfilling life,
Steven Johnson
Brainwave Research UK
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