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Are you sad, lonely, or depressed?

It seems normal that life automatically comes with these feelings.

So, I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news is the tremendous pain you feel is literally caused by regions of your brain that are pumping pain alerting chemicals throughout your body.

The good news is that at some level that pain can serve a purpose.

What caused you the sadness?

It's usually an outcome of some decision you made. You should've gone left when you went right. Then a whole set of events unfolded that you now don't like.

Maybe you break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend, you get divorce, you trust the wrong person, you choose a career that you realize later you hate. You procrastinate and miss a big chance, the person you love stops loving you back, your mom or dad gets cancer. Something tragic happens.

Look, I'm not a psychologist, I don't know the cure for depression, sadness or regret, but I do know that you and I have to become bigger than our emotions.

If you want to do anything great in life you have to be able to manage your emotions. Happy, sad, worry these emotions are like the spray of the ocean water over a sail boat. It's always there, it's part of the journey, it's part of the ocean of the human experience, but you still have to steer the damn boat. Even when the waves are getting bigger and bigger, and knocking you off course.

My first mentor Joe Salatin told me, "Tai, you have to force the ship to go where you want it to go."

If you leave it up to chance and leave your emotions unchecked by reason, by rational thought, I promise you’re going to get off course in life.

Research shows that depression and sadness can be helpful in three main ways. I'm going to quote an expert, Dr. David Buss. He wrote the textbook on Evolutionary Psychology, and this is what he says. He says, although the experience of depression could be incredibly miserable, the emotional pain might serve a helpful function in three ways.

1. Helps Us Disengage
A depressed mood helps us to disengage from a hopeless strategy. It helps us conserve energy and use cognitive resources to focus on more complicated problems. This helps motivate new paths to solving adapted problems. You literally have to harness your depression and sadness, and make it work for you. You got to use it to increase your creativity on how you won't repeat the same mistakes that got you to where you are now.


Just a reminder, I'm offering partial scholarships to my bad ass Real Estate Mentor program for only another 48 hours.

After that the price will go back up. You'll still be able to get into the program, but you'll pay a lot more for the same content. Common sense says it's better to pay less today than to pay more tomorrow. So don't procrastinate or you might find yourself missing out.

Click the link below to learn more about my super-charged Real Estate Mentor program and learn how to claim your scholarship before they run out.

Tai Lopez


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