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One day, a little boy spent the afternoon building a blanket fort in his bedroom, but he had nobody to play with. His mother was busy tending to the baby, and his father wasn’t home from work yet.
When his father came home, the little boy ran up to him, greeted him enthusiastically, and asked him to come sit in the blanket fort.
The father was tired from a hard and stressful day at work, and said no in a rather grumpy way. “Son, I’ve been working hard to make money all day. Don’t bother me right now, okay? I’m too tired to play.”
Very disappointed, the boy went back to his room and sat quietly in his fort. Suddenly, he had an idea.
He ran back to his father who was dozing on the couch. He shook his father’s arm and asked, “Daddy, how much money do you make in one hour?”
The father was startled out of his slumber and none too happy about it.
“Didn’t I ask you not to bother me?” he snapped.
But the boy persisted. “Daddy, I really need to know. How much do you make in one hour?”
The father saw that his son was not going to stop pestering him so he answered, “£50. I make £50 an hour. Now can you leave me alone, please?”
The son stood there quietly for a few moments and then asked, “Daddy, I’m sorry to bother you. Can I please borrow ten dollars?”
“That’s why you wanted to know how much money I make? You’ve already received your allowance for the week, did you spend all of it already?”
“Oh no, Daddy, I haven’t spent it. I’m saving it for something very special.”
“Well I don’t have money to loan you right now,” snapped the father.
“Oh. It’s okay,” said the little boy quietly. The boy went back to his room, climbed into his blanket fort with his favourite storybook, and fell fast asleep.
The father saw that his son didn’t come downstairs for dinner. He wondered if the boy was just asking for money to buy something for his mother, whose birthday was coming up soon. Feeling guilty about being so sharp with the boy, he pulled £10 from his wallet and went to the boy’s room.
He climbed into the blanket fort beside his son.
“Hey, are you asleep?” he asked his son softly. The boy opened his eyes, saw his father, and smiled. “No, Daddy, I’m awake.”
“Here’s the money you asked for earlier,” said the father. “You must want to buy something very special.”
The boy sat up, with a big smile on his face. “Oh yes, Daddy, I want to buy something very special. Now I finally have enough!”
The boy opened a small box, took out £40, and add the £10 his father had just given him. His face became very serious, and he extended the money to his father.
“Daddy, I would like to buy one hour of your time.” 
Time is the most precious gift we can give each other. Daily listening to Profound Gamma will help you live in a state of recognising what’s truly important in life, and to create a deep connection to your loved ones.

To a simpler more fulfilling life,
Brainwave Research UK


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