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Has anybody ever told you that you are too hard on yourself?

You see, the problem is, sometimes you should be hard on yourself. Now, I know there are some people that are too pessemestic about themselves, and those types of people can be pretty negative to have in your life.

But I think you should want to be a little hard on yourself, you know? What I mean by that is you want to be critical of the way you do things and reevaluate yourself constantly. The only way that you can grow is by holding yourself to a high standard, and then learning from your mistakes.

One of the things about Alan Greenspan, you know the former head of the federal reserve, is he knows a lot about human behavior, from running the largest economy in the world. He says the biggest flaw in human behavior is over optimism.

Expecting things to constantly be ok is unrealistic, and you’ll get knocked down pretty quickly if you over optimistic. 

If you wanna be able to handle the things the world's gonna throw at you, you have to find a balance of optimism and skepticism.

So many people seem to set goals too far in advance and they get overly optimistic, and then most of the time they end up failing. They expected things to go there way and they didn’t focus on their short term goals.

You have to be willing to reflect on yourself everyday and say “Ok, here’s what I did well, but here’s where I need to improve.”

You can’t be too hard on yourself, but don’t expect everything to work out the way you plan it. You gotta learn when things go wrong, and be able to adapt to the changes too.

Do you think optimism is a good thing?

Like I said, you gotta have positivity and be hopeful, but don’t expect everything to happen the way you had planned.

Stay Strong,


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