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Showing posts from May, 2018
I’m going to tell you something you’re not going to hear too often that can help you beat. You need to know your competition’s strengths and weaknesses as well or better than your own. This lesson can be applied throughout your life. Any time you have competition in life, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses, so you can know how to improve your own venture to beat them out.  Sun Tzu, the famous ancient philosopher says,   "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy, nor yourself, you will lose in every battle." Sun Tzu says in his book  “The Art of War”  that there are three levels that you can be at when it comes to knowing your competition. The lowest level you can at is level three. That basically means that you don’t know your competition, and even worse, you do
Want to change your life forever? Remember these words –free advice someone told me – they said, " Tai , the chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they're too strong to be broken?." If you want to live the new you?, remember those words. Scientists have confirmed it; it's neuroplasticity, and it reminds me of one other quote. When you put these two quotes's transformative. It said, “All the heavens and all the hells are inside of you.?” Now, I don't know if there's heaven when we die or hell; I'll leave that to the spiritual experts – I'm not one of them, but I will tell you and I'm sure you can agree, there's heaven and hell on earth. I've experienced it and ?I bet you have too. Heaven...What is it? It's when the chains of habit reinforce what we really want to do, what our true destiny is. Hell is when our habits oppose what we know we should be doing. This is hell on earth?: To live a
Hey, How's it going? Here's a tip - language learning is just like staying healthy. Get the right diet and exercise, and the rest will take care of itself.  Simple, right?  Yeah, right.  Simple in theory, but actually very difficult in practice.  It's really hard to find the right content diet.  The right content: 1) has to be interesting to you.  2) needs to be at your level.  3) has to teach you vocab that's immediately useful to you.  Good luck finding something that satisfies all 3.  Interesting stuff like music videos or TV shows is usually way too difficult.  Traditional content is often the right level and sequenced well, but let's face it - they're a total snore-fest. And what might be good content for your friend, might not be good content for you.  Here are some directions that I've found helpful in finding the right content: 1) Children's books, TV shows, and songs. 2) TV sitcoms showing classic situations that are easy to recognize. 3) Popul
Has anybody ever told you that you are too hard on yourself? You see, the problem is, sometimes you should be hard on yourself. Now, I know there are some people that are too pessemestic about themselves, and those types of people can be pretty negative to have in your life. But I think you should want to be a little hard on yourself, you know? What I mean by that is you want to be critical of the way you do things and reevaluate yourself constantly. The only way that you can grow is by holding yourself to a high standard, and then learning from your mistakes. One of the things about Alan Greenspan, you know the former head of the federal reserve, is he knows a lot about human behavior, from running the largest economy in the world. He says the biggest flaw in human behavior is over optimism. Expecting things to constantly be ok is unrealistic, and you’ll get knocked down pretty quickly if you over optimistic.  If you wanna be able to handle the things the world's gon
Hi, I often tell people that genius is not so much talent as it is attitude… You see, your attitude is the environment you decide to carry with you during the day. It proclaims to the world what you think of yourself and indicates the sort of person you have made up your mind to be. A genius attitude is deciding that you can do well at anything you make up your mind to do. When you do that, you give the project all you’ve got, and in doing so, attract the favorable attention of others. Attitude is one of the most commonly used and yet most misunderstood words in the English language. However, if you understand what attitude really is, you’ll know how to bring the best of you to the surface every day... To your success, Bob Proctor Chairman & Co-Founder Proctor Gallagher Institute
So I really messed up on this one. I had fallen for a common myth. “Busy, productive people need less sleep” “Sleep is for lazy people” And for a while I was attempting to hack my life to survive on 6 hours a day of sleep so I had more time for well…..just about everything else. But it was only recently that I realized how wrong I was. Most of us are actually getting far less sleep than we need. And lack of sleep is affecting us in more harmful ways than we think. Ok so remember the famous Malcolm Gladwell book “Outliers? Gladwell wrote that to become world-class in anything, you need 10,000 hours of practice. As an example in the book he suggested that the Beatles had 10,000 hours of practice playing in cheap dive bars before they became a world phenomenon. 10,000 hours. Sounds simple right. The study Gladwell was referring to actually came from a Swiss Psychologist named K Enders Ericsson. Ericsson proved that no one is born with innate skills. To be a great