Your profession pays the bills, but your business is what will make you wealthy. Most people consider their profession and their business to be one and the same thing. When it comes to personal finances, though, there’s a difference: Your profession is whatever you do 40 hours a week to pay the bills, buy groceries, and cover other living costs. Usually, it gives you a specific title: “restaurant owner,” “salesman,” etc. Your business , on the other hand, is what you invest time and money in to help grow your assets. Because a profession only covers your expenses, it’s unlikely that this alone will make you wealthy. To achieve wealth, you must build a business while working at your profession. Take, for example, a chef who’s gone to culinary arts school and knows all the tricks of the trade. Although her profession – cooking – provides enough money to pay rent and feed her family, she’s still not growing wealthy. So she invests i...